
New York Mortgage Bankers Association


The New York Mortgage Bankers Association, Inc. (NYMBA), is a statewide organization devoted exclusively to the field of real estate finance. NYMBA’s rapidly growing membership is comprised of both depository and non-depository mortgage lenders and loan servicers, as well as a wide variety of mortgage industry-related firms.


Our strength is UNITY.
United, we form a powerful force that ensures a safe and sustainable real estate finance system. As a NYMBA member, you have the most influential voice for real estate finance. That’s because NYMBA represents the entire industry, we advocate for a broad range of interests – importantly yours. Together, we are able to amplify your voice and drive change for our industry in New York and across the nation. A united industry is our collective strength.


Our strength is our MEMBERS.
With a strong and unified partnership with our members, we work toward our shared vision of a diverse and a competitive market for all industry participants. We bring together a variety of perspectives to develop innovative and balanced solutions to critical industry challenges which enable our members to prosper and grow. Our vision supports America’s communities by bringing material benefits to borrowers and through markets that deliver broad access to diverse capital sources.


Our strength is your SUCCESS.
With a dedicated team of policy and advocacy experts, we drive legislation and regulation to ensure your business is able to operate at its full potential. We support members’ success in our dynamic, evolving industry through education, research, information and events. Our member resources are must-have tools that are an investment in the success of your team and your business.


As the leading advocate for the real estate finance industry in New York, NYMBA represents and serves its members through a comprehensive array of capabilities and tools that enable members to successfully deliver fair, sustainable and responsible real estate financing within ever-changing business environments.

Mission Details

Our mission will be accomplished via statewide advocacy and education on issues that affect the mortgage lending industry and our various members statewide.

We are structured to partner closely with all local or regional Mortgage Banking Associations in the state, via their participation as members of our association or through appointees to the Board of the New York Mortgage Bankers Association. 

We will maintain membership in the Mortgage Bankers Association, the national association for the industry. We will utilize and deploy their significant resources in our efforts to protect, defend and promote the mortgage lending industry.  

We will provide educational and networking events so that our members can interact with industry peers, increase their knowledge, and advance professionalism within the mortgage lending industry.

We will focus on strategic, charitable partnerships with organizations that may align with our goal to promote homeownership and improve the quality of life for homeowners throughout New York State.


We will partner closely with all local and regional Mortgage Banking Associations in the state to support their efforts and expand the resources available to their members.

We will monitor developing legislation and weigh in on proposed legislation on behalf of the industry. 

We will share resources with the national Mortgage Bankers Association, and utilize and deploy their significant resources in our efforts to promote the mortgage lending industry.

We will focus on strategic, charitable partnerships with organizations that align with our goal to promote homeownership and improve the quality of life for homeowners throughout New York State.

We are the statewide organization recognized by national MBA, and who regulators and lawmakers turn to as an industry resource.

What We Do

NYMBA encourages its members to engage only in sound and ethical business practices, and informs its members of changes in the laws and regulations affecting the mortgage business. The association helps those engaged in or affected by the mortgage business to be better informed and more knowledgeable. It is dedicated to the maintenance of a strong real estate finance system. This involves support for a strong economy, a public-private partnership for the production and maintenance of single and multi-family homeownership opportunities, and a strong secondary mortgage market.

Board of Directors

Meet the people that help this organization run.

Member Benefits

The New York Mortgage Bankers Association facilitates a unified effort of industry partners throughout the state for the preservation and improvement of the mortgage banking system, advocacy, and the promotion of sound and ethical business practices. Membership with NYMBA brings many benefits to its member companies and the industry as a whole.


Regular complimentary training sessions on underwriting, product guidelines, originations, sales strategies and more
New monthly series of trainings on affordable housing tools and resources to increase access to credit in underserved communities Discounted rates for SAFE Act Compliance and continuing education


New York MBA is a registered lobbying organization in the State of New York, actively engaging in conversation with state elected officials on legislation impacting the industry
Annual Legislative Advocacy Conference with advocacy training, legislative updates and talking points for meetings with members of the state legislature

Discussions with the regulators regarding member concerns and policy recommendations
Participation in legislative language review for pending legislation and preparation of briefs in support or opposition

MBA Alerts and Calls to Action for members to raise awareness of potential or newly enacted changes in laws and regulations affecting the mortgage business
Monitoring of legislation concerning the industry

Leveraging our Political Action Committee to interact with legislators and advocate for positions critical to the industry.


Gather data and research impacts of potential policy recommendations and proposed legislation to provide informed position memos, amicus briefs, and communicate to members in calls to action

Identify gaps in industry knowledge, market needs, and identify solutions


Annual convention bringing together members, industry leaders, regulators and legislators; providing an educational experience second to none, featuring many national speakers
Annual Legislative Advocacy Conference


Establishing cooperative relationships with other industry groups, increasing our impact with a unified approach to pending legislation and other concerns, in a way that is beneficial for all Media interviews and press releases providing the industry’s perspective on important issues

Facilitating member discussions on issues of mutual interest, such as increasing access to credit, handling of vacant and abandoned housing inventory, and challenges in the foreclosure process Partnering with the National MBA and local member associations to leverage synergies that maximize benefits of networking, education and advocacy for all members

Clearinghouse for industry communications regarding mortgage banking activities of all kinds
Weekly email alerts with industry news, legislative news, and educational opportunities

Professional staff with association management, mortgage banking, and lobbying experience
Quarterly newsletters with updates on committee activities, industry trends, new products, etc.

Supporting Regional MBA networking events


Summaries on pending legislation
Links to resources of other industry partners

Access to many national MBA resources, such as weekly application summaries, industry forecasts, etc.

Become a Member

Our membership is comprised of both bank and non-bank mortgage lenders and servicers, as well as a wide variety of mortgage industry-related firms.

Join Now



Monitor & discuss pending legislation that affects your industry and discuss where the committee stands on passage or defeat of legislation to present to the board. Planning of the annual Advocacy Conference.

PAC Support the NYMBA Political Action Committee (PAC) which focuses on getting “a seat at the table” by attending events sponsored by legislators. New York is a state with robust legislative initiatives and PAC funds are an important component to accessing lawmakers and staying relevant in Albany.


Plan and host a convention & golf outing that provides both educational value and networking opportunities for members.


Educate and increase member awareness of existing affordable housing programs and resources to increase access to homeownership in underserved communities; provide opportunities for members to earn CRA credits in their assessment area; work with stakeholders to identify new and unique ways to address home affordability in the state.


Poll members and recommend topics for educational events. Provide annual required Continuing Education opportunities for Loan Officers. Assist with the planning of educational events for the annual convention.


Identify and reach out to prospective lenders, loan servicers and affiliated entities doing business in New York to expand the membership base to be representative of the $166 billion mortgage business in the state. The larger the group, the stronger the voice.


Execute a marketing strategy clearly communicating and promoting the mission of NYMBA within the industry.


Closely monitors legislative and regulatory matters impacting servicing and prepares letters of support or opposition. Support the industry as a whole on adverse legislation by preparing and submitting Amicus briefs. Collaborate with local task forces, municipal representatives and mortgage servicers showing commitment of our industry to follow maintenance requirements for vacant and abandoned properties in the foreclosure process. Continue to forge new partnerships & sustain existing relationships.


Bring forth evolving technology in the industry and how NYMBA can help members face challenges utilizing technology.


  • Achieved a long-standing goal of reaching over 100 member organizations
  • Selected and retained a Lobbying firm – a monumental achievement that has had and will have immediate and lasting impact for NYMBA and our industry overall
  • Redesigned & improved functionality of the NYMBA website
  • Monthly Webinar Series and links to key resources to help ensure NYMBA members were kept up to date during Pandemic
  • Online advocacy
  • New and improved communication methods to engage with and provide networking opportunities between members including Growth Zone contact management software
  • Creation of new committees including Affordable Housing and Communications Committee along with the creation and publication of a quarterly Newsletter
  • Amicus Briefs submitted on behalf of industry in court cases: Dieudonne; Engel; Kessler; Simon; East Fork; and more
  • Call to Action, advocacy and lobbying efforts in the Engel case; authored white paper on the “Foreclosure Abuse Prevention Act.”
  • Regular, professional engagement with New York Department of Financial Services, Legislators, New York Conference of Mayors, New York Landbanks, Habitat for Humanity, Neighborworks America, and more
  • Ongoing monitoring of an abundance of proposed state legislation impacting industry and members
  • Instrumental in Independent Mortgage Bankers recapturing their portion of the NYS Mortgage Recording Tax
  • Established Remote Online Notarization with national standards
  • Joined with several national trade associations in a successful effort to soften the New York State cybersecurity rule. Submitted industry comments to DFS for currently proposed amendments.